Press Roundup – April 2021
A roundup of Token Naturals’ media coverage over the past month with top takeaways.
May 14, 2021
What Cannabis Can Be: A Report by Diplomat Consulting
Last month, Token was asked to contribute to Diplomat Consulting's "What Cannabis Can Be," a report about the future of cannabis in the Canadian...
April 30, 2021
Service Spotlight: Feasibility Reports
Looking to bring a new cannabis product to the Canadian market? Token Naturals offers a preliminary research service designed to assess the...
April 23, 2021
Licensed and Ready to Produce
On April 9, 2021, Token Naturals was rewarded a Standard Processing Licence from Health Canada.
April 13, 2021
Finding Growth in Agility: A Year of Operating in a Pandemic
March marks a full year since adapting to life in the COVID-19 pandemic. The past year taught us some valuable lessons about doing business in...
March 16, 2021
Looking Back and Moving Forward
As we begin 2021, we have much to look forward to. As easy as it is to barrel ahead, let's take a moment to look back at the year that led us...
January 21, 2021